Saturday, November 30, 2013

I Think I got It Right This Time

At times, like these, I imagine an escape.
Escape, grab your hand, and fly.
Fly, not fall, soft into the present.

For at present moment I am in bliss.
Bliss as a well-kept house cat.
'Tis true, I await your return.
To purr and nestle against your side--
Patiently, 'tis true, I await your return.
To undulate under your firm pet.

Perhaps I am your canary?
Happily I'll wait in my cage
Till you lift my cover sheet and I can sing in praise
Of thee--

Let's fly to the present.
Yes, be here in the present.
Presently for me, ne'er would I believe, at present, I could wax whimsical words about you--
All the while, all the better.

I know why the caged bird sings.
I know why some burn effigies.
Because all this Damn distance is oh-so real.